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Sun, May 15, 22.

The Goal of Righteousness—Glory

Relationship of Glory, Honor and Immortality/Incorruption

  1. Glory and Honor: Glory brings honor; glory is honor [Psa 8:5; 145:5; 1Co 15:43 the opposite of dishonor is glory; Rom 9:21-23 the vessels of honor are the objects of glory; Heb 3:3 glory is honor—the more the glory the greater the honor].
  2. Glory and Immortality/Incorruption (ἀφθαρσία (aftharsia) 'incorruptibility'—G0861): The opposite of corruption (φθορά, phthora—Gx5356)[1Co 15:42-44]

Glory is the Goal of Righteousness By Faith

Clearly, “glory, honor and immortality” [Rom 2:7; 3:23-24] is the goal of righteousness.

    1. First, because these are attained by patient continuance in doing good [Rom 2:7] which really is patient continuance in being righteous. To be righteous is to be good, it is to do good.
    2. Second, because it is glory that he say we all fell short of by sin and then says we are justified by grace [Rom 3:23-24].
    3. Thirdly, immediately after proving that the doctrine of righteousness by faith apart from the Law and circumcision is not against the Law [Rom 4], what he turns to next is glory. In Rom 5 the ultimate result of our righteousness by faith is glory—we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God [Rom 5:2] and this hope of glory is the result of God’s grace. This hope of glory is still the goal of the building of our character through suffering and the gift of God’s Spirit to us [Rom 5:3-5]. The Holy Spirit is clearly connected to our glorification, in this letter [Rom 8:11] and elsewhere [2Co 3:8,18; Phi 3:21; 1Pe 4:14]
    4. Fourthly, reading on in the letter, we still find glory to be the goal on Paul’s mind
      1. The goal of suffering with him is that we may be glorified with him [Rom 8:17]
      2. It is for the sake of the glory that will be revealed in us that we endure all things, because nothing is comparable to it [Rom 8:18]
      3. From foreknowledge, to predestination, to calling, to justification and to the end, glorification [Rom 8:30]
      4. Israel’s heritage—the adoption of sons and glory [Rom 9:4]
      5. God has endured the vessels of wrath in order that he might make known the riches of His glory to the vessels of His mercy [Rom 9:22-23]
    5. Fifthly, the value of glory
      1. It is by glory that our Lord Jesus was delivered from death [Rom 6:4]. Therefore, our deliverance from death is ultimately by God’s glory.
      2. Our salvation, our freedom from corruption is by God’s glory [Rom 8:21-23]. At the start of the letter, Paul had mentioned salvation in connection with righteousness by faith such that salvation is the value of righteousness [Rom 1:16-17].
      3. The receiving of eternal life depends on God’s glory [Rom 6:4]. Apparently, since we cannot live if we are in bondage to death and since deliverance from death depends on God’s glory, then life eternal depends on us being glorified.
  1. Therefore, indeed, the goal, what one hopes to gain, the reward of righteousness is glory (and honor and immortality and eternal life).